Unleash Your Team’s Potential

Are you frustrated with your team's dynamics? Or perhaps you're starting with a new team and eager to ensure a swift path to success?

Getting work done is not enough, the future of work requires high-performing teams operating with excellence and precision. One study, published in The Harvard Business Review, found that ‘‘the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50 percent or more’’ over the last two decades and that, at many companies, more than three-quarters of an employee’s day is spent communicating with colleagues. Most teams can get work done. But high-performing teams do it with excellence and precision.

High-performing teams know what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how to speak up to move work forward. They are driven by a common Purpose and they continuously work to create an environment of Clarity and Psychological Safety. Ignite collaboration for high-performance with our NEW team coaching program.

Through our program, we collaborate with you to transform your team into a tightly-knit unit capable of working together with excellence and precision towards common goals. We emphasize qualities such as commitment, care, and trust, enabling team members to leverage their unique skills and expertise to achieve shared objectives.

Our approach encourages active support and mutual reliance, nurturing open communication, idea-sharing, and collective problem-solving. The result? A cohesive team characterized by unity and collaboration, where every member is deeply invested in the team's success and genuinely cares about one another's well-being.

Ultimately, our program equips your team with the necessary skills to foster a supportive and motivating environment, ensuring everyone feels valued and is inspired to give their best.

This program is ideal for you if you aim to:

  • Achieve tasks with precision and excellence

  • Harness your team's collective strengths to drive meaningful collaboration

  • Cultivate a connected team culture where everyone comprehends their role within the broader organizational context

  • Embed a high-performing team culture and establish the groundwork for sustained success in the long term

Program Overview:

Part 1: Birkman High-Performing Teams Workshop

During this 8-hour Workshop you and your team will:

  • Set the stage for how we will all work together throughout the program

  • Discuss the three core pillars that create the foundation for high performance

  • Discuss three unique dimensions of personality from an individual and team perspective. This will help to uncover strengths and opportunities for development - both individually and as a team

  • Integrate new insights into a comprehensive Action Plan. The goal is to set the stage for how your team will approach the next six month and build a sustainable future

Part 2: Team Coaching

Your team will participate in monthly team coaching sessions over six months to implement the development plan. The coaches role in Team Coaching is to help the team understanding how to identify and resolve conflict, recognize and address power dynamics within the team, build a cohesive and high-performing team, develop rules and norms, encourage participation and contribution by all, and promote team autonomy and sustainability.

Part 3: Individual Coaching

Each team member will have the opportunity to participate in individual coaching sessions over six months. Individual coaching sessions are available for each team member to have a safe, powerful forum to discuss and resolve issues about participating fully on the team.

Companies that work with us want their teams to be more effective at working together, leverage individual strengths, and build the capacity for long-term success.

Our process for working with Teams:

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